Effective Museum Management - Directors

The Boston Consulting Group invites you to participate in this preparatory survey for our comprehensive study "Effective Museum Management ". The purpose of this study is to advance discussion within the field regarding museum effectiveness and performance assessment. We also aim to understand the main challenges facing visual art museums in the 21st Century in order to identify future sources of excellence in the museum sector.

At the end of the survey, you can provide your e-mail address to be one of the first to receive a PDF copy of the "Effective Museum Management" report. Your answers will be treated confidentially and will not be associated with you in any way. The individual responses will not be shared and will only appear as a part of an aggregate report. The survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

If you have any questions, please contact us at zorloni.alessia@bcg.com

Thank you in advance for your participation in this study.


1. What is the name of your museum?

2. Who is the legal owner of your museum?
Only one answer possible
The state, central or federal government
A regional government
A municipal government (local museum, civic museum)
A trust or public foundation
A private foundation
A non-profit private body (i.e association, kunstverein, etc.)
The museum itself (has its own legal status)
It is part/department of another museum
Other, please specify  

3. Who is the owner of the museum’s collections?
(if you don't have a collection go to Q. 5)
The state, central or federal government
A regional government
A municipal government (local museum, civic museum)
A trust or public foundation
A private foundation
A non-profit private body (i.e association, kunstverein, etc.)
The museum itself (has its own legal status)
Another museum
Other, please specify  

4. What is the main area covered by your museum collection(s)?
Several answers possible
Contemporary art
General visual art
Decorative and applied arts
Archaeology and history
Natural history and natural science
Science and technology
Ethnography and anthropology
Other, please specify  

5. Who owns the museum building(s)?
Only one answer possible
The state, central or federal government
A regional government
A municipal government (local museum, civic museum)
A trust (public enterprise), public foundation
A private foundation
A non-profit private body (i.e association, kunstverein, etc.)
The museum itself (has its own legal status)
Another museum
Other, please specify  

6. Who manages the museum’s collections and buildings?
Only one answer possible
The state, central or federal government
A regional government
A municipal government (local museum, civic museum)
A trust, public foundation
A private foundation
A non-profit private body (i.e association, kunstverein, etc.)
The museum itself (has its own legal status)
Another museum
Other, please specify  

7. What country do you work in?

8. Is the museum located dowtown?

9. Does the museum have its own budget?

10. Did the museum end the fiscal year 2011
With a balanced budget
In surplus
In deficit

11. What was your annual budget in 2011?

12. Please break down you annual budget
Public support
Public support (national, regional, municipal, etc.)
Private support
Contribution (individual, corporate, foundations, donation)
Earned income
Admissions (collections and exhibitions)
Educational events (concerts, lectures, workshop, family programs)
Exhibition fee
Facility rental
Museum store
Revenue from investments (endowments)

13. How many people worked in your museum in 2011?

14. Please break down the total number of employees of 2011
Full-time employees
Part-time employees
Temporary staff

15. What was the total number of visitors in 2011?

16. Please break down the total number of visitors of 2011
Paying visitors
Non-paying visitors


Vovici survey software